Character Interview Meme

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Tagged by: :icondragonologist117:

1. Name please?
(Four because screw your rules and chicken strips ._ .)

-Shin, my dear :rose:
-Solstace…and don’t forget it!
Itami *deep growl*

2. Age?
-For your sake…I’ll say 17
-20 years of age
-16 years old *cocky grin*
I am ageless. (You’re forever 21 bruh)

3. Species?
-My people are of the purest Kitsune spirits…But I suppose you would call me a uhm…”Werekitsune”.
-I am a type of Astral dragon…Don’t take two shakes at it.
Iiiiiii am an albino fire drake uwu
*looks down sarcastically* Clearly I’m a Jigglypuff…

4. Do you wear anything interesting? (like a hat or scarf?)
-CLOTHING!!!? *burns down a Macey’s*
-Uhm <_<” I wear just the typical dragon stuff…Lots of silver jewelry in my case.
-*chh…* Accessories would make me less aerodynamic u- u

5. Favourite colour?
-I rather find each color has its own charm…Except for yellow; that middle finger to balance can be burned.
-Any shade of purple or silver ^^”
-…..Orange(????) (he’s color blind)
-White…(huh? Oh sorry–) WHIIIITE

6. The scariest thing that’s ever happened to you?
-The day my sister accidentally screwed me over and made my nightmares material….*shivers violently*
-*shrugs* I can’t remember anything particularly “scary” happening to me……..
-I punch fear ._ .”””
I AM fear

7. Have you ever been to a party?
-All the time. Hate throwing them. Loooove “crashing” them.
-I find parties….eh-tiresome…
-I’ll go if I have to but “parties” are for attention whores e-e
-………………..Do funerals count??? Icelebratethem

8. Have you ever drunk something alcoholic?
-*is chugging mug of cherry Scotch*
-…..Once in a while…..
-Ew…that crap tastes terrible
Mortal alcoholic beverages do not interest me

9. What does your name mean (if anything)?
-My full name means “Deadly Vanity”, a “title” given to me by some oh so grateful natives, hmhm.
-My whole name is “The Wiccan Star” but I’m called Wicca by most because it’s a bit of a custom among dragons to be named after their most outstanding feature I guess. I have always had a fondness for magic.
-I don’t remember *cocks head* Somethin to do with when the sun is closer to the world. Makes sense heheh, my scales absorb the sun’s power.
My name has always meant “pain”. The squelching, unending, merciless pain I spread among all.
10. Are you fluffy?
-*tugs at chest fur*
-*is quite literally probably the fluffiest thing*

11. Do you like cute things?
-*vomits a little*
-*squints at Shirya* <n< (you’replottingsomething)
They taste the best….hhhheheheheh…

12. Do you sleep a lot?
-Most of the time I stay awake for weeks on end. But every now and then I sleep all day (and don’t even remember doing so).
-I’d sleep /all/ day if Lithium or Solstace would let me -_ –
-Only for a few hours at night but that’s all I need uwu I’m not lazy like some things *is being glared at by Wicca* *smiles back with big ass grin*
I will sleep when the last living thing is exterminated…

13. Do you tend to care a lot about your appearance?
-But of course *smiles at self in mirror*
-*chuckles*I just pretty much like to stay clean ^^”
-I gotta look good for you scrubs *flexes* u- u
-*is matted and bloody beyond repair/licks unwashed fangs*

14. Do you like to play videogames?
-I have better things to do most of the time. But I’ll mess with Wicca while he plays World of Warcraft for a few laughs…Or play with Shirya or Lithium…(if they bug me)
-*is in battleground in WoW right now with head set on*
-*is playing with Wicca on other side of room*

15. Have you ever lost someone close to you?
-Nope. No one I actually care about has died yadah yadah
I do not lose…I take.

16. What sort of things did you do as a child?
-I helped found my home region with my sisters and some others.
-(Sol/Wicca) We’re still kids . _.
I killed smaller children and tortured animals *snarls*

17. Do you enjoy reading?
-It is a nice pass time on rainy days
-I only like reading….about certain things.
-I can…but it’s sooooo BORRING!!!!
I do not read

18. Do you prefer coffee, tea, or neither?
-Anything really
-*screws up nose*
I require no sustanace

19. Your favourite time of day?
-The night is when all true beauty awakens ❤
-I prefer flying at night ^^”
-MMMMORNINGGGG!!~~*Jazz hands*

20. Do you love anybody and do they love you back?
-*snorts fire and looks away*
-Of course I love Fog, but also my brother, Cyo, and my mom, Lithium
I’m tired of these questions *leaps away* (wait,

did he actually leave?)

21. Do you like any videogame characters?
-Mmm…not particularly…
-My favorite character has to be Spyro *stares*….What??….
-I like Sub Zero from Mortal Combat!! That so /COOL/!!

22. Are you a patient person?
-I can be…
-Not very…

23. Do you get annoyed when people ask you questions?
-I don’t mind as long as it’s not excessive

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